EcoNova Leaders
EcoNova Leaders
Marikie Botha

Welcome to EcoNova Leaders

Seize the moment for regenerative action and change.

Who are we?

Hello friend of nature! 👋

EcoNova  Leaders is a learning community for regenerative thinkers and innovators who are passionate about contributing to restoring and regenerating life's support systems and develop new skills to lead in a nature positive economy.

Join other knowledge professionals and entrepreneurs unlocking people and nature's regenerative potential to strengthen biodiversity and help restore health to depleted and suffering human and natural ecosystems.

Regeneration are those actions and processes which allows life to maintain in good health, but at the same time also restore life in ecosystems – from micro organisms up to large populations.” - Andrea Illy, Co-Chair: The Regenerative Society Foundation

We created EcoNova Leaders to start up a regenerative movement

You may wonder if this is the right place for you....

Our mission is to accelerate and increase the adoption of regenerative mindsets, cultures and business models using non-activist and entrepreneurial approaches enabled by low and high technologies.

We build EcoNova Leaders for busy and high performance knowledge professionals and small business entrepreneurs who:

  • Want to make a positive impact to help address the increasing crisis of human fragmentation and biodiversity loss.
  • Are intrigued by the new regenerative economy and movement, and looking for a practical way to start without needing to make a big drastic changes in their jobs or busy lives.
  • Wonder how regenerative leadership looks like in a time constrained world, and how one person or a small business can make an impact offering nature positive business services.
  • Enjoy being a first adopter who want to use regenerative leadership to help others and nature, and incorporate it into their professional practice.
  • Curious to learn how regenerative leadership creates more joy, happiness and resilience in an individual's life as a concept of self-leadership.
  • Keen to inspire others to be interested in and invest in regenerative business knowledge and practices.

Our members master three regenerative innovation competencies needed to protect and restore biodiversity in the natural world:

  1. Fostering and enhancing people-nature connection which motivates people to develop a regenerative relationship with the natural world
  2. Nurturing imagination through green creativity, digital intelligence and visual communication as important elements of nature-based innovation capabilities
  3. Starting up regenerative innovations as practical counterpoint to extractive business models

We do that by:

  • changing how people interact with nature, in particular restore and enhance people's relationship with the non-human world,
  • addressing challenges of loneliness and social fragmentation offering a virtual environment that is free from popular cultural and socio-political discourse,
  • practicing peaceful society attributes,
  • helping define what regenerative business models and relationship economies will look like,
  • saving time and money enabling people to distinguish regenerative economy hype, idealistic thinking and what is financially and functionally viable,
  • developing regenerative digital cognitive intelligence, 
  • contributing to the design of pleasant and peaceful society cultural software and technologies, and
  • establishing green creativity, leisure and play cultures that restore the capacity for health and vitality to people and the life supporting systems of the planet and space.

What our members get:

  • Quality member generated content free from doom and gloom in popular culture and algorithms that drive people away from each other
  • Opportunities to practice thinking like gardener - nurturing the digital relationship between people, nature and creativity while practicing regenerative digital skills and content development.
  • On-line, self-paced courses in regenerative leadership, such as Nature Connection Facilitation, Personal Regeneration and Regenerative Leadership Guidebook.
  • Live events and workshops 
  • Marketplace for members to promote themselves and network.
  • Library, wiki and free resources.

Our promise

An optimistic digital space where you can grow new friendships while learning skills and knowledge for regenerative self and life recreation.

When you step into EcoNova Leaders you will immediately experience a new, non-preachy, startup vibes and fun way in which we can use digital technologies to restore vitality.

The experience of EcoNova Leaders is regenerative within itself.

Join us to realize you ingenuity; relink people to nature, contribute the real economy and shape the future.

Copyright Notice

EcoNova Leaders ©All Rights Reserved. No content, in part or in whole, is allowed to be used without written permission from EcoNova Leaders Inc or the content creators.